"It's mixed ability"
"That doesn't mean they're all fast"
"That's why it says it's mixed ability. If it was where all the fast ones go, I'd call it 'the one where all the fast ones go'"
"Oh. But I can't run for an hour"
"You don't need to, we don't just run"
"What do you do then?"
"Coached technique, drills, speed work, sometimes things like squats and strength, sometimes we work on pace, sometimes we do some agility and coordination, sometimes we do circuit training"
"Oh, like the stuff we do at bootcamp but with extra running bits? So it's not just running?"
"£3 is a bargain then - why is it so cheap"
"We're a not-for-profit club - it covers our costs"
Why not come along and try us out? Leave any ideas you might have at home, as I can guarantee it won't be what you expect!
Tuesdays 6:30 The Exhibition, Over (coached session - £3)
Weds 6:30 Swavesey Sports Centre (endurance session, usually 5 - 6 miles, FREE)
Thursday 6:30, Cottenham Village Green (coached session - £3)
Saturday 3:30, various locations, endurance sessions 5k+, FREE (see Facebook each week for meeting points)
Sunday 10am, The Exhibition, Over (coached session - £3).